That is all this page will feature: bullshit. I don't like the poems I write, but unfortunately the habit comes with the hobby of being a writer. The shortform artsy-fartsy drivel simply pours out of my major orifices, so I'd might as well log it while the tap's going!
Reposting or using as inspo is more than okay, credit is always appreciated!
To prioritise an 8-hour
long, gruelling grind or to care
against our workhorse bodies.
Hidden in plain sight.
Relief squirrelled into the gaps in our CV's,
away from the hidden CCTV cameras,
even supervision gets forty minutes.
This is not an office.
We call it the cage.
We work (& sleep) like dogs.
Worship is only fun when you don't have to do it,
but if I don't tend to this catholic
girls school of a body;
who will?
"It's worse on the inside,"
I promise you.
My fingers aren't crossed they're interlaced, still
asking God for a reassignment.
Being alive is such a lonely experience. Beep.
No wonder you are the way you are. You've never
known another way to be.
Self-maintained abandonware. Beep.
Solitary in the restricted parameters of your own mind.
I see you and you see me, but do you really?
Am I really this mess of blood and carbon? Beep.
I'm not sure (of) myself.
Not sacrificial the way a lamb is,
wet with blood and soft.
He'll cut me all the same, but
God doesn't talk to me
that way.
The frog on your biology class desk, wet and
bloated and grotesque.
The girls scream,
I'm frightening.
But I bleed the same way a lamb will.